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De beste koffie uit de haven van Antwerpen

Our traditional coffee from the port of Antwerp
Instant coffee, whole beans, ground coffee


Arabica, robusta and fair trade coffee of barista quality

The coffee market is an international activity in which we, as coffee roasting company St Michel, play a central role. The coffee beans we roast come from all over the world, offering different types and blends ranging from 100% Arabica coffee to, for example, a blend of Arabica and Robusta. Whatever your preference, we deliver a product that is 100% to your taste or that of your employees and customers. We roast our coffee using a modernised  traditional roasting process to guarantee the optimal quality of your coffee.

brandingsproces St Michel koffie uit Antwerpen

Roasting process

The coffee is roasted in large drums at a temperature of around 200 to 220°C. We can adjust the duration of roasting per type and per product, to obtain a softly roasted or only intensively roasted coffee is produced. We are proud of our large range of fair trade coffee.

Onverwerkte koffiebonen

Respect for fair agriculture and sustainable trade

Fair trade coffee

Whichever coffee you prefer, we always work with respect for the original product and the small farmers. We are particularly proud that our coffee carries the Rainforest Alliance label guaranteeing that the purchased coffee beans were grown in a sustainable way. We have a large stock of fair trade coffee aiming to actively contribute to a fair world trade.

Private label coffee

Are you looking for a partner for your own coffee brand? Koffie St Michel offers customizable private label options that can be tailored to your specific needs and wishes. Our modern, fully automatic machines enable us to produce high-quality coffee products. We clean, roast, grind, and package raw coffee according to your preferences. Our focus on quality and consistency ensures that you can always count on an excellent end product. Additionally, we work closely with our clients to ensure that their brand perfectly aligns with their business vision. Contact us to discuss how we can help you create your own unique coffee brand.

Koffie in verschillende uitvoeringen


We ship our coffee worldwide and recognise that you have your own preferences. That's why we always offer you different options.

Ground and unground coffee beans

Coffee in soft vacuum packs for optimal portions

Instant coffee or freeze-dried coffee

Would you like more information about the prices and possibilities? Then we will be happy to welcome you for coffee. Please feel free to contact us

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